entomo, un dúo de Elías Aguirre y Álvaro Esteban
Bajo la lente de una lupa observamos dos pequeños seres. Quizá humanos, quizá insectos. Encuentros, miradas, desafíos definidos por territorialidad, a la conquista de espacios vacíos, exentos de significado.
- 1er premio en el VII Certamen Iberoamericano de Coreografía Alicia Alonso CIC’2010
- 1er premio en el Certamen Internacional de Coreografía Burgos – New York 2010
- Finalista en el Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid 2009, ganadora de:
Premio del público
Premio del Conservatorio Superior de Danza
Residencia Artística
Creación e interpretación: Elías Aguirre, Álvaro Esteban
Música: Samuel Aguilar
Duración: 12min

Rosa Sanz Hermida
Periodista / ABCDanza urbana que combina movimientos robóticos, break, imágenes congeladas, pero que, por fortuna, ha utilizado en la mayoría de los casos, la kínesis como medio y no como fin en sí mismo, integrándola de forma orgánica y, en consecuencia, abriéndose a su potencial significativo.

Nicole Strecker
Dance critic / Tanzwebkoeln“Entomo” enables many associations, reminds of a vain fight against the eternal “die and become” as well as the exciting relation between intellect and instinct within a human being. Or – completely psychological – the end of love. A strong evening about the human being as creature of nature, culture and – by now already technically pimped out – creature of art; maybe after all less a creature of heaven than hell.

Dpto. de Prensa / Cuba debateEntomo, de los coreógrafos españoles Elías Aguirre y Álvaro Esteban, por la madurez con que conciben esta pieza, que a partir de la investigación de la gestualidad de los insectos logra el punto de partida para un dúo original, atrevido y que despierta en el espectador numerosas implicaciones existenciales y filosóficas.

Rosa Sanz Hermida
Periodista / ABCLa creatividad de «Entomo» recuerda al Bosco en su técnica hiperrealista —pincelada minuciosa, brillante, sutil— y en su fabuloso y alucinante imaginario, de estremecedora belleza.

Roberto Rinaldi
Dance critic / Paper blogE poi accade di incontrare due giovani artisti spagnoli, non conosci nulla di loro e non potresti mai sospettare il talento innato, rivelatosi solo al momento della loro esibizione. Ci parli “fuori scena” come si fa con due persone qualunque, poche parole di circostanza, scambiate più per cortesia che per dovere professionale. È nel momento della loro esibizione che percepisci di avere di fronte due perfomer di assoluta bravura. Il loro lavoro si intitola Entomo e i due si chiamano Elias Aguirre e Alvaro Esteban. Sul palcoscenico sono due esseri umani capaci di trasformarsi in insetti, dal ragno alla cavalletta, dallo scorpione alla mosca. Flessuosi e dotati di una fisicità impressionante. Corpi snodabili dalle movenze di assoluta leggerezza. Da qui nasce Entomo, accattivante e ironica prova d'autore di rara bellezza espressiva, molto applaudita dal pubblico del festival.

/ Vitebsk NewsSpaniards Alvaro Esteban and Elias Aguirre have reincarnated in two insects on the stage. To the sounds of sea waves, birdtwitter, sounds of cicadas they represented grasshoppers, butterflies, flies, ants and other, only to them known, insects. Public was immensely surprised, how it is possible to transform ordinary hands and feet into the insects' pads?… And dancers wanted to tell to the audience: that an insect and a human have really pretty much in common.

/ VitnewsMoreover spanish and canadian dancers have left the most stunning impressions here. Both duets, spanish and canadian ones, have presented a wonderful unique author's dance techniques, analoques to which you may not find, perhaps, in the whole world

/ Tio.byThe main tendency from the moment, when IFMC was created, was that it aimed and still aims at the intellectual audience. This stage has seen various dancing techniques, at times even hard for perception. But the preference was still always given to intellectual dance. Throughout years the organisators of festival are searching for author's dancing techniques and are trying to predict, whether they will be interesting for audience. The duet of Alvaro Esteban and Elias Aguirre, they presented their choreographic miniature "Entomo" at the Gala, was such a discovery for IFMC's audience at the present festival. The Spanish dancers were real masters of their bodies and everybody could draw an analogy with the world of insects without effort and understand the dance inspired by insect movements...

Kate Goodin
Dance critic / Egypt IndependentThe clear standout piece among a group of pieces well worth watching was "entomo," a duet by Spanish performers Elias Aguirre and Alvaro Estaban. At times they seemed to be distinctly non-human creatures playing and fighting, and at other times looked like ordinary guys you might see dancing at a club. The effect was fresh and delightfully weird...

/ Tio.bySpaniards Alvaro Esteban and Elias Aguirre which have shown a choreographic miniature "Entomo" – the dance inspired by movements of insects - became a so-called stunning climax of the first part of the Gala. The titled Spaniards arrived at Vitebsk for few days only – specially to take part in the Gala and also to give an open master class: movements of insects in dance. Today early in the morning dancers have returned to Madrid...